MCC代码是一组用于标识商户业务类别的四位数字代码,可以准确反映商户所处行业(如零售、餐饮、旅游等),为交易背景提供清晰的行业标识。 -
根据不同行业的交易特性及风险水平,MCC代码为支付机构和银行提供了合理设定交易手续费率的依据,确保费率科学、透明。 -
MCC代码是满足国际及各国监管要求的重要信息,可帮助识别特定行业交易的合规性,防范高风险交易,确保交易合法合规。 -
MCC代码在资金清算及报表分类中起到关键作用,有助于商户和收单机构精准统计交易数据,支持财务管理及业务分析。 -
MCC代码使发卡机构能够在持卡人账单中清晰展示消费类别,便于消费者核对交易记录,提高透明度并减少消费纠纷。 -
0001–1499 农业服务(Agricultural service)
编码 | MCC类目中文名称 | MCC类目英文名称 |
0742 | 兽医服务 | Veterinary Services |
0763 | 农业合作社 | Agricultural Cooperative |
0780 | 园艺服务 | Landscaping Services |
1500–2999 承包服务(Contract service)
编码 | MCC类目中文名称 | MCC类目英文名称 |
1520 | 综合承包商 | General Contractors |
1711 | 供暖、管道和空调 | Heating, Plumbing, A/C |
1731 | 电气承包商 | Electrical Contractors |
1740 | 砌砖、石工和抹灰 | Masonry, Stonework, and Plaster |
1750 | 木工承包商 | Carpentry Contractors |
1761 | 屋顶/墙板、钣金 | Roofing/Siding, Sheet Metal |
1771 | 混凝土作业承包商 | Concrete Work Contractors |
1799 | 特种贸易承包商 | Special Trade Contractors |
2741 | 杂项出版和印刷 | Miscellaneous Publishing and Printing |
2791 | 排版、制版及相关服务 | Typesetting, Plate Making, and Related Services |
2842 | 专业清洁 | Specialty Cleaning |
4000–4799 运输服务(Transport service)
编码 | MCC类目中文名称 | MCC类目英文名称 |
4011 | 铁路 | Railroads |
4111 | 通勤交通、渡轮 | Commuter Transport, Ferries |
4112 | 客运铁路 | Passenger Railways |
4119 | 救护车服务 | Ambulance Services |
4121 | 出租车/豪华轿车 | Taxicabs/Limousines |
4131 | 公交线路 | Bus Lines |
4214 | 汽车货运及卡车运输 - 本地及长途、搬家及储存公司和本地递送服务 | Motor Freight Carriers and Trucking - Local and Long Distance, Moving and Storage Companies, and Local Delivery Services |
4215 | 快递服务 | Courier Services |
4225 | 公共仓储及存储 – 农产品、冷藏货物、家庭用品及存储 | Public Warehousing and Storage – Farm Products, Refrigerated Goods, Household Goods, and Storage |
4411 | 邮轮公司 | Cruise Lines |
4457 | 船舶租赁和租赁 | Boat Rentals and Leases |
4468 | 码头、服务和供应 | Marinas, Service and Supplies |
4511 | 航空公司、航空承运人 | Airlines, Air Carriers |
4582 | 机场、飞行场 | Airports, Flying Fields |
4722 | 旅行社、旅游运营商 | Travel Agencies, Tour Operators |
4723 | TUI旅行 - 德国 | TUI Travel - Germany |
4784 | 通行费/桥梁费 | Tolls/Bridge Fees |
4789 | 运输服务 | Transportation Services |
4800–4999 公用事业服务(Public utility service)
编码 | MCC类目中文名称 | MCC类目英文名称 |
4812 | 通信设备和电话销售 | Telecommunication Equipment and Telephone Sales |
4814 | 通信服务 | Telecommunication Services |
4816 | 计算机网络服务 | Computer Network Services |
4821 | 电报服务 | Telegraph Services |
4829 | 电汇、汇票 | Wires, Money Orders |
4899 | 有线、卫星及其他付费电视和广播 | Cable, Satellite, and Other Pay Television and Radio |
4900 | 公共事业 | Utilities |
5000–5599 零售店服务(Retail store service)
编码 | MCC类目中文名称 | MCC类目英文名称 |
5013 | 汽车用品和新配件 | Motor Vehicle Supplies and New Parts |
5021 | 办公及商用家具 | Office and Commercial Furniture |
5039 | 建筑材料 | Construction Materials |
5044 | 摄影、复印、缩微胶片设备及用品 | Photographic, Photocopy, Microfilm Equipment, and Supplies |
5045 | 计算机、外围设备和软件 | Computers, Peripherals, and Software |
5046 | 商业设备 | Commercial Equipment |
5047 | 医疗、牙科、眼科及医院设备和用品 | Medical, Dental, Ophthalmic, and Hospital Equipment and Supplies |
5051 | 金属服务中心 | Metal Service Centers |
5065 | 电气零件和设备 | Electrical Parts and Equipment |
5072 | 五金、设备和用品 | Hardware, Equipment, and Supplies |
5074 | 管道、供暖设备和用品 | Plumbing, Heating Equipment, and Supplies |
5085 | 工业用品 | Industrial Supplies |
5094 | 宝石和贵金属,手表和珠宝 | Precious Stones and Metals, Watches and Jewelry |
5099 | 耐用品 | Durable Goods |
5111 | 文具、办公用品、打印及书写纸 | Stationary, Office Supplies, Printing and Writing Paper |
5122 | 药品、药品专有品及药剂杂货 | Drugs, Drug Proprietaries, and Druggist Sundries |
5131 | 布料、针织用品及其他纺织品 | Piece Goods, Notions, and Other Dry Goods |
5137 | 制服、商业服装 | Uniforms, Commercial Clothing |
5139 | 商业鞋类 | Commercial Footwear |
5169 | 化学品及相关产品 | Chemicals and Allied Products |
5172 | 石油及石油产品 | Petroleum and Petroleum Products |
5192 | 书籍、期刊和报纸 | Books, Periodicals, and Newspapers |
5193 | 花店供应品、苗圃库存和花卉 | Florists Supplies, Nursery Stock, and Flowers |
5198 | 油漆、清漆及用品 | Paints, Varnishes, and Supplies |
5199 | 非耐用品 | Nondurable Goods |
5200 | 家居用品仓储商店 | Home Supply Warehouse Stores |
5211 | 木材及建筑材料店 | Lumber, Building Materials Stores |
5231 | 玻璃、油漆和壁纸店 | Glass, Paint, and Wallpaper Stores |
5251 | 五金店 | Hardware Stores |
5261 | 苗圃、草坪和园艺用品店 | Nurseries, Lawn and Garden Supply Stores |
5271 | 移动房屋经销商 | Mobile Home Dealers |
5300 | 批发俱乐部 | Wholesale Clubs |
5309 | 免税店 | Duty Free Stores |
5310 | 折扣店 | Discount Stores |
5311 | 百货公司 | Department Stores |
5331 | 杂货店 | Variety Stores |
5399 | 杂货综合商店 | Miscellaneous General Merchandise |
5411 | 杂货店、超市 | Grocery Stores, Supermarkets |
5422 | 冷柜和储物柜肉类供应商 | Freezer and Locker Meat Provisioners |
5441 | 糖果、坚果及糖果店 | Candy, Nut, and Confectionery Stores |
5451 | 乳制品店 | Dairy Products Stores |
5462 | 面包店 | Bakeries |
5499 | 杂货食品店 – 便利店和专业市场 | Miscellaneous Food Stores – Convenience Stores and Specialty Markets |
5511 | 汽车与卡车经销商(新车与二手车)销售、服务、修理零件和租赁 | Car & Truck Dealers (New & Used) Sales, Service, Repairs Parts and Leasing |
5521 | 汽车与卡车经销商(仅二手车)销售、服务、修理零件和租赁 | Car & Truck Dealers (Used Only) Sales, Service, Repairs Parts and Leasing |
5531 | 汽车与家庭用品店 | Auto and Home Supply Stores |
5532 | 汽车轮胎店 | Automotive Tire Stores |
5533 | 汽车零部件和配件店 | Automotive Parts and Accessories Stores |
5541 | 服务站 | Service Stations |
5542 | 自动加油机 | Automated Fuel Dispensers |
5551 | 船只经销商 | Boat Dealers |
5561 | 房车、娱乐和实用拖车经销商 | Camper, Recreational and Utility Trailer Dealers |
5571 | 摩托车商店和经销商 | Motorcycle Shops and Dealers |
5592 | 房车经销商 | Motor Homes Dealers |
5598 | 雪地摩托车经销商 | Snowmobile Dealers |
5599 | 其他汽车经销商 | Miscellaneous Auto Dealers |
5600–5699 服装商店(Clothing store)
编码 | MCC类目中文名称 | MCC类目英文名称 |
5611 | 男士及男童服饰及配件店 | Men’s and Boy’s Clothing and Accessories Stores |
5621 | 女士成衣店 | Women’s Ready-To-Wear Stores |
5631 | 女士配件及专卖店 | Women’s Accessory and Specialty Shops |
5641 | 儿童及婴儿服装店 | Children’s and Infant’s Wear Stores |
5651 | 家庭服装店 | Family Clothing Stores |
5655 | 运动及骑马服装店 | Sports and Riding Apparel Stores |
5661 | 鞋店 | Shoe Stores |
5681 | 裘皮商和裘皮店 | Furriers and Fur Shops |
5691 | 男装及女装店 | Men’s, Women’s Clothing Stores |
5697 | 裁缝及改衣 | Tailors, Alterations |
5698 | 假发和发套店 | Wig and Toupee Stores |
5699 | 杂项服装及配饰店 | Miscellaneous Apparel and Accessory Shops |
5700–7299 其他商店(Other stores)
编码 | MCC类目中文名称 | MCC类目英文名称 |
5712 | 家具、家居装饰及设备商店(不包括家电) | Furniture, Home Furnishings, and Equipment Stores, Except Appliances |
5713 | 地板覆盖物商店 | Floor Covering Stores |
5714 | 窗帘、窗户覆盖和室内装潢商店 | Drapery, Window Covering, and Upholstery Stores |
5718 | 壁炉、壁炉屏风及配件店 | Fireplace, Fireplace Screens, and Accessories Stores |
5719 | 杂项家居装饰专卖店 | Miscellaneous Home Furnishing Specialty Stores |
5722 | 家用电器商店 | Household Appliance Stores |
5732 | 电子产品商店 | Electronics Stores |
5733 | 音乐商店-乐器、钢琴及乐谱 | Music Stores-Musical Instruments, Pianos, and Sheet Music |
5734 | 计算机软件商店 | Computer Software Stores |
5735 | 唱片店 | Record Stores |
5811 | 餐饮服务 | Caterers |
5812 | 餐饮场所、餐馆 | Eating Places, Restaurants |
5813 | 饮酒场所 | Drinking Places |
5814 | 快餐厅 | Fast Food Restaurants |
5816 | 数字商品 - 游戏 | Digital Goods - Games |
5912 | 药店和药房 | Drug Stores and Pharmacies |
5921 | 酒类零售店—啤酒、葡萄酒和烈酒 | Package Stores—Beer, Wine, and Liquor |
5931 | 二手商品和旧货店 | Used Merchandise and Secondhand Stores |
5932 | 古董店 | Antique Shops |
5933 | 当铺 | Pawn Shops |
5935 | 拆车场与废品回收场 | Wrecking and Salvage Yards |
5937 | 古董复制品 | Antique Reproductions |
5940 | 自行车店 | Bicycle Shops |
5941 | 体育用品店 | Sporting Goods Stores |
5942 | 书店 | Book Stores |
5943 | 文具店、办公及学校用品店 | Stationery Stores, Office, and School Supply Stores |
5944 | 珠宝店、钟表店和银器店 | Jewelry Stores, Watches, Clocks, and Silverware Stores |
5945 | 爱好、玩具和游戏店 | Hobby, Toy, and Game Shops |
5946 | 照相机及摄影用品店 | Camera and Photographic Supply Stores |
5947 | 礼品、卡片、新奇商品和纪念品店 | Gift, Card, Novelty, and Souvenir Shops |
5948 | 行李和皮革制品店 | Luggage and Leather Goods Stores |
5949 | 缝纫、刺绣、布料及成品商店 | Sewing, Needlework, Fabric, and Piece Goods Stores |
5950 | 玻璃器皿及水晶店 | Glassware, Crystal Stores |
5960 | 直销 - 保险服务 | Direct Marketing - Insurance Services |
5962 | 直销 - 旅行 | Direct Marketing - Travel |
5963 | 上门销售 | Door-To-Door Sales |
5964 | 直销 - 目录商人 | Direct Marketing - Catalog Merchant |
5965 | 直销 - 目录和零售商组合 | Direct Marketing - Combination Catalog and Retail Merchant |
5966 | 直销 - 外拨电话营销 | Direct Marketing - Outbound Tele |
5967 | 直销 - 来电电话营销 | Direct Marketing - Inbound Tele |
5968 | 直销 - 订阅 | Direct Marketing - Subscription |
5969 | 直销 - 其他 | Direct Marketing - Other |
5970 | 艺术家用品及工艺品店 | Artist’s Supply and Craft Shops |
5971 | 艺术品经销商及画廊 | Art Dealers and Galleries |
5972 | 邮票和硬币店 | Stamp and Coin Stores |
5973 | 宗教用品店 | Religious Goods Stores |
5975 | 助听器销售及用品 | Hearing Aids Sales and Supplies |
5976 | 矫形器具 - 假肢设备 | Orthopedic Goods - Prosthetic Devices |
5977 | 化妆品店 | Cosmetic Stores |
5978 | 打字机店 | Typewriter Stores |
5983 | 燃料经销商 (非汽车) | Fuel Dealers (Non Automotive) |
5992 | 花店 | Florists |
5993 | 雪茄店和摊位 | Cigar Stores and Stands |
5994 | 报摊和新闻亭 | News Dealers and Newsstands |
5995 | 宠物店、宠物食品及用品 | Pet Shops, Pet Food, and Supplies |
5996 | 游泳池销售 | Swimming Pools Sales |
5997 | 电动剃须刀店 | Electric Razor Stores |
5998 | 帐篷和遮阳篷商店 | Tent and Awning Shops |
5999 | 杂项专业零售 | Miscellaneous Specialty Retail |
6010 | 手动现金支付 | Manual Cash Disburse |
6011 | 自动现金支付 | Automated Cash Disburse |
6012 | 金融机构 | Financial Institutions |
6051 | 非金融机构 - 汇款单 | Non-Financial Institutions - Money Orders |
6211 | 证券经纪人/交易商 | Security Brokers/Dealers |
6300 | 保险承保、保费 | Insurance Underwriting, Premiums |
6399 | 保险 - 默认 | Insurance - Default |
6513 | 房地产代理和经理 - 租赁 | Real Estate Agents and Managers - Rentals |
7011 | 酒店、汽车旅馆和度假村 | Hotels, Motels, and Resorts |
7012 | 分时使用权 | Timeshares |
7032 | 体育/娱乐营 | Sporting/Recreation Camps |
7033 | 拖车公园、露营地 | Trailer Parks, Campgrounds |
7210 | 洗衣、清洁服务 | Laundry, Cleaning Services |
7211 | 洗衣店 | Laundries |
7216 | 干洗店 | Dry Cleaners |
7217 | 地毯/家具清洗 | Carpet/Upholstery Cleaning |
7221 | 摄影工作室 | Photographic Studios |
7230 | 理发店和美容院 | Barber and Beauty Shops |
7251 | 鞋子修理/帽子清洗 | Shoe Repair/Hat Cleaning |
7261 | 殡葬服务、火葬场 | Funeral Services, Crematories |
7273 | 约会/护送服务 | Dating/Escort Services |
7276 | 税务准备服务 | Tax Preparation Services |
7277 | 咨询服务 | Counseling Services |
7278 | 购买/购物服务 | Buying/Shopping Services |
7296 | 服装租赁 | Clothing Rental |
7297 | 按摩院 | Massage Parlors |
7298 | 健康与美容水疗中心 | Health and Beauty Spas |
7299 | 杂项一般服务 | Miscellaneous General Services |
7300–7999 商业服务(Commercial service)
编码 | MCC类目中文名称 | MCC类目英文名称 |
7311 | 广告服务 | Advertising Services |
7321 | 信用报告机构 | Credit Reporting Agencies |
7333 | 商业摄影、艺术与图形 | Commercial Photography, Art and Graphics |
7338 | 快速复印、复制和蓝图 | Quick Copy, Repro, and Blueprint |
7339 | 秘书支持服务 | Secretarial Support Services |
7342 | 灭害服务 | Exterminating Services |
7349 | 清洁与维护 | Cleaning and Maintenance |
7361 | 就业/临时机构 | Employment/Temp Agencies |
7372 | 计算机编程 | Computer Programming |
7375 | 信息检索服务 | Information Retrieval Services |
7379 | 计算机修理 | Computer Repair |
7392 | 咨询、公共关系 | Consulting, Public Relations |
7393 | 侦探机构 | Detective Agencies |
7394 | 设备租赁 | Equipment Rental |
7395 | 照片冲印 | Photo Developing |
7399 | 杂项商业服务 | Miscellaneous Business Services |
7511 | 卡车站 | Truck Stop |
7512 | 汽车租赁公司 | Car Rental Agencies |
7513 | 卡车/实用拖车租赁 | Truck/Utility Trailer Rentals |
7519 | 娱乐车辆租赁 | Recreational Vehicle Rentals |
7523 | 停车场、车库 | Parking Lots, Garages |
7531 | 汽车车身修理店 | Auto Body Repair Shops |
7534 | 轮胎翻新和修理 | Tire Retreading and Repair |
7535 | 汽车油漆店 | Auto Paint Shops |
7538 | 汽车服务店 | Auto Service Shops |
7542 | 洗车场 | Car Washes |
7549 | 拖车服务 | Towing Services |
7622 | 电子产品修理店 | Electronics Repair Shops |
7623 | 空调、制冷设备修理 | A/C, Refrigeration Repair |
7629 | 小型家电修理 | Small Appliance Repair |
7631 | 手表/珠宝修理 | Watch/Jewelry Repair |
7641 | 家具修理、翻新 | Furniture Repair, Refinishing |
7692 | 焊接修理 | Welding Repair |
7699 | 杂项修理店 | Miscellaneous Repair Shops |
7829 | 图片/视频制作 | Picture/Video Production |
7832 | 电影院 | Motion Picture Theaters |
7841 | 录像带出租店 | Video Tape Rental Stores |
7911 | 舞厅、工作室、学校 | Dance Hall, Studios, Schools |
7922 | 剧院票务代理 | Theatrical Ticket Agencies |
7929 | 乐队、管弦乐队 | Bands, Orchestras |
7932 | 台球/撞球馆 | Billiard/Pool Establishments |
7933 | 保龄球馆 | Bowling Alleys |
7941 | 体育俱乐部/运动场 | Sports Clubs/Fields |
7991 | 旅游景点及展览 | Tourist Attractions and Exhibits |
7992 | 高尔夫球场 - 公共 | Golf Courses - Public |
7993 | 电子游戏用品 | Video Amusement Game Supplies |
7994 | 电子游戏厅 | Video Game Arcades |
7995 | 赌博/赌场博彩 | Betting/Casino Gambling |
7996 | 游乐园/嘉年华 | Amusement Parks/Carnivals |
7997 | 乡村俱乐部 | Country Clubs |
7998 | 水族馆 | Aquariums |
7999 | 杂项娱乐服务 | Miscellaneous Recreation Services |
8000–8999 专业服务及会员组织(Professional services and membership organizations)
编码 | MCC类目中文名称 | MCC类目英文名称 |
8011 | 医生 | Doctors |
8021 | 牙科医生、正畸医生 | Dentists, Orthodontists |
8031 | 整骨医生 | Osteopaths |
8041 | 脊椎指压医生 | Chiropractors |
8042 | 验光师、眼科医生 | Optometrists, Ophthalmologists |
8043 | 验光师、眼镜 | Opticians, Eyeglasses |
8049 | 足科医生 | Chiropodists, Podiatrists |
8050 | 护理/个人护理 | Nursing/Personal Care |
8062 | 医院 | Hospitals |
8071 | 医疗和牙科实验室 | Medical and Dental Labs |
8099 | 医疗服务 | Medical Services |
8111 | 法律服务、律师 | Legal Services, Attorneys |
8211 | 小学、中学 | Elementary, Secondary Schools |
8220 | 学院、大学 | Colleges, Universities |
8241 | 函授学校 | Correspondence Schools |
8244 | 商业/秘书学校 | Business/Secretarial Schools |
8249 | 职业/技术学校 | Vocational/Trade Schools |
8299 | 教育服务 | Educational Services |
8351 | 儿童保育服务 | Child Care Services |
8398 | 慈善及社会服务机构 - 筹款 | Charitable and Social Service Organizations - Fundraising |
8641 | 市民、社会及兄弟会组织 | Civic, Social, Fraternal Associations |
8651 | 政治组织 | Political Organizations |
8675 | 汽车协会 | Automobile Associations |
8699 | 会员组织 | Membership Organizations |
8734 | 测试实验室 | Testing Laboratories |
8911 | 建筑/测绘服务 | Architectural/Surveying Services |
8931 | 会计/簿记服务 | Accounting/Bookkeeping Services |
8999 | 专业服务 | Professional Services |
9000–9999 政府服务(Government service)
编码 | MCC类目中文名称 | MCC类目英文名称 |
9222 | 罚款 - 政府行政实体 | Fines - Government Administrative Entities |
9223 | 保释金和债券支付 | Bail and Bond Payments |
9311 | 税款支付 - 政府机构 | Tax Payments - Government Agencies |
9399 | 政府服务 | Government Services |
9402 | 邮政服务 - 仅限政府 | Postal Services - Government Only |
9405 | 美国联邦政府机构或部门 | U.S. Federal Government Agencies or Departments |
9950 | 公司内部采购 | Intra-Company Purchases |
Updated 6 days ago