

  1. 明确商户行业分类

  2. 优化费率管理

  3. 支持合规性管理

  4. 助力清算与财务管理

  5. 增强消费透明度

  6. 推动优惠及回馈计划


0001–1499 农业服务(Agricultural service)

0742兽医服务Veterinary Services
0763农业合作社Agricultural Cooperative
0780园艺服务Landscaping Services

1500–2999 承包服务(Contract service)

1520综合承包商General Contractors
1711供暖、管道和空调Heating, Plumbing, A/C
1731电气承包商Electrical Contractors
1740砌砖、石工和抹灰Masonry, Stonework, and Plaster
1750木工承包商Carpentry Contractors
1761屋顶/墙板、钣金Roofing/Siding, Sheet Metal
1771混凝土作业承包商Concrete Work Contractors
1799特种贸易承包商Special Trade Contractors
2741杂项出版和印刷Miscellaneous Publishing and Printing
2791排版、制版及相关服务Typesetting, Plate Making, and Related Services
2842专业清洁Specialty Cleaning

4000–4799 运输服务(Transport service)

4111通勤交通、渡轮Commuter Transport, Ferries
4112客运铁路Passenger Railways
4119救护车服务Ambulance Services
4131公交线路Bus Lines
4214汽车货运及卡车运输 - 本地及长途、搬家及储存公司和本地递送服务Motor Freight Carriers and Trucking - Local and Long Distance, Moving and Storage Companies, and Local Delivery Services
4215快递服务Courier Services
4225公共仓储及存储 – 农产品、冷藏货物、家庭用品及存储Public Warehousing and Storage – Farm Products, Refrigerated Goods, Household Goods, and Storage
4411邮轮公司Cruise Lines
4457船舶租赁和租赁Boat Rentals and Leases
4468码头、服务和供应Marinas, Service and Supplies
4511航空公司、航空承运人Airlines, Air Carriers
4582机场、飞行场Airports, Flying Fields
4722旅行社、旅游运营商Travel Agencies, Tour Operators
4723TUI旅行 - 德国TUI Travel - Germany
4784通行费/桥梁费Tolls/Bridge Fees
4789运输服务Transportation Services

4800–4999 公用事业服务(Public utility service)

4812通信设备和电话销售Telecommunication Equipment and Telephone Sales
4814通信服务Telecommunication Services
4816计算机网络服务Computer Network Services
4821电报服务Telegraph Services
4829电汇、汇票Wires, Money Orders
4899有线、卫星及其他付费电视和广播Cable, Satellite, and Other Pay Television and Radio

5000–5599 零售店服务(Retail store service)

5013汽车用品和新配件Motor Vehicle Supplies and New Parts
5021办公及商用家具Office and Commercial Furniture
5039建筑材料Construction Materials
5044摄影、复印、缩微胶片设备及用品Photographic, Photocopy, Microfilm Equipment, and Supplies
5045计算机、外围设备和软件Computers, Peripherals, and Software
5046商业设备Commercial Equipment
5047医疗、牙科、眼科及医院设备和用品Medical, Dental, Ophthalmic, and Hospital Equipment and Supplies
5051金属服务中心Metal Service Centers
5065电气零件和设备Electrical Parts and Equipment
5072五金、设备和用品Hardware, Equipment, and Supplies
5074管道、供暖设备和用品Plumbing, Heating Equipment, and Supplies
5085工业用品Industrial Supplies
5094宝石和贵金属,手表和珠宝Precious Stones and Metals, Watches and Jewelry
5099耐用品Durable Goods
5111文具、办公用品、打印及书写纸Stationary, Office Supplies, Printing and Writing Paper
5122药品、药品专有品及药剂杂货Drugs, Drug Proprietaries, and Druggist Sundries
5131布料、针织用品及其他纺织品Piece Goods, Notions, and Other Dry Goods
5137制服、商业服装Uniforms, Commercial Clothing
5139商业鞋类Commercial Footwear
5169化学品及相关产品Chemicals and Allied Products
5172石油及石油产品Petroleum and Petroleum Products
5192书籍、期刊和报纸Books, Periodicals, and Newspapers
5193花店供应品、苗圃库存和花卉Florists Supplies, Nursery Stock, and Flowers
5198油漆、清漆及用品Paints, Varnishes, and Supplies
5199非耐用品Nondurable Goods
5200家居用品仓储商店Home Supply Warehouse Stores
5211木材及建筑材料店Lumber, Building Materials Stores
5231玻璃、油漆和壁纸店Glass, Paint, and Wallpaper Stores
5251五金店Hardware Stores
5261苗圃、草坪和园艺用品店Nurseries, Lawn and Garden Supply Stores
5271移动房屋经销商Mobile Home Dealers
5300批发俱乐部Wholesale Clubs
5309免税店Duty Free Stores
5310折扣店Discount Stores
5311百货公司Department Stores
5331杂货店Variety Stores
5399杂货综合商店Miscellaneous General Merchandise
5411杂货店、超市Grocery Stores, Supermarkets
5422冷柜和储物柜肉类供应商Freezer and Locker Meat Provisioners
5441糖果、坚果及糖果店Candy, Nut, and Confectionery Stores
5451乳制品店Dairy Products Stores
5499杂货食品店 – 便利店和专业市场Miscellaneous Food Stores – Convenience Stores and Specialty Markets
5511汽车与卡车经销商(新车与二手车)销售、服务、修理零件和租赁Car & Truck Dealers (New & Used) Sales, Service, Repairs Parts and Leasing
5521汽车与卡车经销商(仅二手车)销售、服务、修理零件和租赁Car & Truck Dealers (Used Only) Sales, Service, Repairs Parts and Leasing
5531汽车与家庭用品店Auto and Home Supply Stores
5532汽车轮胎店Automotive Tire Stores
5533汽车零部件和配件店Automotive Parts and Accessories Stores
5541服务站Service Stations
5542自动加油机Automated Fuel Dispensers
5551船只经销商Boat Dealers
5561房车、娱乐和实用拖车经销商Camper, Recreational and Utility Trailer Dealers
5571摩托车商店和经销商Motorcycle Shops and Dealers
5592房车经销商Motor Homes Dealers
5598雪地摩托车经销商Snowmobile Dealers
5599其他汽车经销商Miscellaneous Auto Dealers

5600–5699 服装商店(Clothing store)

5611男士及男童服饰及配件店Men’s and Boy’s Clothing and Accessories Stores
5621女士成衣店Women’s Ready-To-Wear Stores
5631女士配件及专卖店Women’s Accessory and Specialty Shops
5641儿童及婴儿服装店Children’s and Infant’s Wear Stores
5651家庭服装店Family Clothing Stores
5655运动及骑马服装店Sports and Riding Apparel Stores
5661鞋店Shoe Stores
5681裘皮商和裘皮店Furriers and Fur Shops
5691男装及女装店Men’s, Women’s Clothing Stores
5697裁缝及改衣Tailors, Alterations
5698假发和发套店Wig and Toupee Stores
5699杂项服装及配饰店Miscellaneous Apparel and Accessory Shops

5700–7299 其他商店(Other stores)

5712家具、家居装饰及设备商店(不包括家电)Furniture, Home Furnishings, and Equipment Stores, Except Appliances
5713地板覆盖物商店Floor Covering Stores
5714窗帘、窗户覆盖和室内装潢商店Drapery, Window Covering, and Upholstery Stores
5718壁炉、壁炉屏风及配件店Fireplace, Fireplace Screens, and Accessories Stores
5719杂项家居装饰专卖店Miscellaneous Home Furnishing Specialty Stores
5722家用电器商店Household Appliance Stores
5732电子产品商店Electronics Stores
5733音乐商店-乐器、钢琴及乐谱Music Stores-Musical Instruments, Pianos, and Sheet Music
5734计算机软件商店Computer Software Stores
5735唱片店Record Stores
5812餐饮场所、餐馆Eating Places, Restaurants
5813饮酒场所Drinking Places
5814快餐厅Fast Food Restaurants
5816数字商品 - 游戏Digital Goods - Games
5912药店和药房Drug Stores and Pharmacies
5921酒类零售店—啤酒、葡萄酒和烈酒Package Stores—Beer, Wine, and Liquor
5931二手商品和旧货店Used Merchandise and Secondhand Stores
5932古董店Antique Shops
5933当铺Pawn Shops
5935拆车场与废品回收场Wrecking and Salvage Yards
5937古董复制品Antique Reproductions
5940自行车店Bicycle Shops
5941体育用品店Sporting Goods Stores
5942书店Book Stores
5943文具店、办公及学校用品店Stationery Stores, Office, and School Supply Stores
5944珠宝店、钟表店和银器店Jewelry Stores, Watches, Clocks, and Silverware Stores
5945爱好、玩具和游戏店Hobby, Toy, and Game Shops
5946照相机及摄影用品店Camera and Photographic Supply Stores
5947礼品、卡片、新奇商品和纪念品店Gift, Card, Novelty, and Souvenir Shops
5948行李和皮革制品店Luggage and Leather Goods Stores
5949缝纫、刺绣、布料及成品商店Sewing, Needlework, Fabric, and Piece Goods Stores
5950玻璃器皿及水晶店Glassware, Crystal Stores
5960直销 - 保险服务Direct Marketing - Insurance Services
5962直销 - 旅行Direct Marketing - Travel
5963上门销售Door-To-Door Sales
5964直销 - 目录商人Direct Marketing - Catalog Merchant
5965直销 - 目录和零售商组合Direct Marketing - Combination Catalog and Retail Merchant
5966直销 - 外拨电话营销Direct Marketing - Outbound Tele
5967直销 - 来电电话营销Direct Marketing - Inbound Tele
5968直销 - 订阅Direct Marketing - Subscription
5969直销 - 其他Direct Marketing - Other
5970艺术家用品及工艺品店Artist’s Supply and Craft Shops
5971艺术品经销商及画廊Art Dealers and Galleries
5972邮票和硬币店Stamp and Coin Stores
5973宗教用品店Religious Goods Stores
5975助听器销售及用品Hearing Aids Sales and Supplies
5976矫形器具 - 假肢设备Orthopedic Goods - Prosthetic Devices
5977化妆品店Cosmetic Stores
5978打字机店Typewriter Stores
5983燃料经销商 (非汽车)Fuel Dealers (Non Automotive)
5993雪茄店和摊位Cigar Stores and Stands
5994报摊和新闻亭News Dealers and Newsstands
5995宠物店、宠物食品及用品Pet Shops, Pet Food, and Supplies
5996游泳池销售Swimming Pools Sales
5997电动剃须刀店Electric Razor Stores
5998帐篷和遮阳篷商店Tent and Awning Shops
5999杂项专业零售Miscellaneous Specialty Retail
6010手动现金支付Manual Cash Disburse
6011自动现金支付Automated Cash Disburse
6012金融机构Financial Institutions
6051非金融机构 - 汇款单Non-Financial Institutions - Money Orders
6211证券经纪人/交易商Security Brokers/Dealers
6300保险承保、保费Insurance Underwriting, Premiums
6399保险 - 默认Insurance - Default
6513房地产代理和经理 - 租赁Real Estate Agents and Managers - Rentals
7011酒店、汽车旅馆和度假村Hotels, Motels, and Resorts
7032体育/娱乐营Sporting/Recreation Camps
7033拖车公园、露营地Trailer Parks, Campgrounds
7210洗衣、清洁服务Laundry, Cleaning Services
7216干洗店Dry Cleaners
7217地毯/家具清洗Carpet/Upholstery Cleaning
7221摄影工作室Photographic Studios
7230理发店和美容院Barber and Beauty Shops
7251鞋子修理/帽子清洗Shoe Repair/Hat Cleaning
7261殡葬服务、火葬场Funeral Services, Crematories
7273约会/护送服务Dating/Escort Services
7276税务准备服务Tax Preparation Services
7277咨询服务Counseling Services
7278购买/购物服务Buying/Shopping Services
7296服装租赁Clothing Rental
7297按摩院Massage Parlors
7298健康与美容水疗中心Health and Beauty Spas
7299杂项一般服务Miscellaneous General Services

7300–7999 商业服务(Commercial service)

7311广告服务Advertising Services
7321信用报告机构Credit Reporting Agencies
7333商业摄影、艺术与图形Commercial Photography, Art and Graphics
7338快速复印、复制和蓝图Quick Copy, Repro, and Blueprint
7339秘书支持服务Secretarial Support Services
7342灭害服务Exterminating Services
7349清洁与维护Cleaning and Maintenance
7361就业/临时机构Employment/Temp Agencies
7372计算机编程Computer Programming
7375信息检索服务Information Retrieval Services
7379计算机修理Computer Repair
7392咨询、公共关系Consulting, Public Relations
7393侦探机构Detective Agencies
7394设备租赁Equipment Rental
7395照片冲印Photo Developing
7399杂项商业服务Miscellaneous Business Services
7511卡车站Truck Stop
7512汽车租赁公司Car Rental Agencies
7513卡车/实用拖车租赁Truck/Utility Trailer Rentals
7519娱乐车辆租赁Recreational Vehicle Rentals
7523停车场、车库Parking Lots, Garages
7531汽车车身修理店Auto Body Repair Shops
7534轮胎翻新和修理Tire Retreading and Repair
7535汽车油漆店Auto Paint Shops
7538汽车服务店Auto Service Shops
7542洗车场Car Washes
7549拖车服务Towing Services
7622电子产品修理店Electronics Repair Shops
7623空调、制冷设备修理A/C, Refrigeration Repair
7629小型家电修理Small Appliance Repair
7631手表/珠宝修理Watch/Jewelry Repair
7641家具修理、翻新Furniture Repair, Refinishing
7692焊接修理Welding Repair
7699杂项修理店Miscellaneous Repair Shops
7829图片/视频制作Picture/Video Production
7832电影院Motion Picture Theaters
7841录像带出租店Video Tape Rental Stores
7911舞厅、工作室、学校Dance Hall, Studios, Schools
7922剧院票务代理Theatrical Ticket Agencies
7929乐队、管弦乐队Bands, Orchestras
7932台球/撞球馆Billiard/Pool Establishments
7933保龄球馆Bowling Alleys
7941体育俱乐部/运动场Sports Clubs/Fields
7991旅游景点及展览Tourist Attractions and Exhibits
7992高尔夫球场 - 公共Golf Courses - Public
7993电子游戏用品Video Amusement Game Supplies
7994电子游戏厅Video Game Arcades
7995赌博/赌场博彩Betting/Casino Gambling
7996游乐园/嘉年华Amusement Parks/Carnivals
7997乡村俱乐部Country Clubs
7999杂项娱乐服务Miscellaneous Recreation Services

8000–8999 专业服务及会员组织(Professional services and membership organizations)

8021牙科医生、正畸医生Dentists, Orthodontists
8042验光师、眼科医生Optometrists, Ophthalmologists
8043验光师、眼镜Opticians, Eyeglasses
8049足科医生Chiropodists, Podiatrists
8050护理/个人护理Nursing/Personal Care
8071医疗和牙科实验室Medical and Dental Labs
8099医疗服务Medical Services
8111法律服务、律师Legal Services, Attorneys
8211小学、中学Elementary, Secondary Schools
8220学院、大学Colleges, Universities
8241函授学校Correspondence Schools
8244商业/秘书学校Business/Secretarial Schools
8249职业/技术学校Vocational/Trade Schools
8299教育服务Educational Services
8351儿童保育服务Child Care Services
8398慈善及社会服务机构 - 筹款Charitable and Social Service Organizations - Fundraising
8641市民、社会及兄弟会组织Civic, Social, Fraternal Associations
8651政治组织Political Organizations
8675汽车协会Automobile Associations
8699会员组织Membership Organizations
8734测试实验室Testing Laboratories
8911建筑/测绘服务Architectural/Surveying Services
8931会计/簿记服务Accounting/Bookkeeping Services
8999专业服务Professional Services

9000–9999 政府服务(Government service)

9222罚款 - 政府行政实体Fines - Government Administrative Entities
9223保释金和债券支付Bail and Bond Payments
9311税款支付 - 政府机构Tax Payments - Government Agencies
9399政府服务Government Services
9402邮政服务 - 仅限政府Postal Services - Government Only
9405美国联邦政府机构或部门U.S. Federal Government Agencies or Departments
9950公司内部采购Intra-Company Purchases